
Hellenic Mediterranean University

School of Engineering
Center of Materials Technology and Photonics

New Projects

New projects

New research collaboration with Ireland regarding the project “New germicide nanocomposites for biological protection and decontamination” just started! Smart Functional Materials Group will collaborate with two Irish teams –Prof. Suresh Pillai at Atlantic Technological University and Prof Declan McCormack at Technological University Dublin- on development smart patches with effective germicidal activity as well as suitable physical and chemical properties for filters and clothing. These new patches will be made of new hybrid materials based on doped TiO2/graphene reinforced in polymer fibers, their enhanced germicide activity based on the synergistic combination of the photocatalysis of TiO2 and the electromechanical action of graphene. The development and study of novel nanocomposite materials exhibiting effective germicidal action, for use in the prevention of healthcare associated bacterial and viral infections and in biological defence is current priority.